كلمة المؤسس المدير العام ناصر العودة

Founder's Speech
General Manager Nasser Al-Odeh

Based on the market's need for Saudi brands with a distinct identity in the field of communication and marketing solutions, NOB was established as a small enterprise with great aspirations. Over the years, we have been guided by a clear vision and ambitious goals set by our wise leadership, which has enabled us to evolve into a company that provides integrated solutions for both private, and public sectors.


We began a journey of learning and stages of experimentation, with each stage surpassing the previous one. Every step we took became more balanced and mature. In a world full of visions, messages, and overlapping goals, our aim was to distinguish our vision and direct our messages. From the initial identity to its remarkable expansion, with all the aspirations and successes it carried, and untill the current version of NOB, we have made it a priority to attract talented and outstanding Saudi youth. Day by day, as our vision evolves, and our messages multiply, our faith and steadfastness in the same approach and goal, which is pioneering marketing solutions with creativity, innovation, and uniqueness, have only grown stronger.

With the dedication and efforts of our soldiers and staff, who have been our strength by the grace of God and the driving force in every stage, they have made a difference with their efficiency and shaped pivotal transformations with their diligence. They have created miracles and defied the impossible. We have faced every obstacle that may hinder our progress.

Today, we're moving forward together with one heart to fulfill our promise to ourselves and our successful partners, which is to create a promising model and a new vision for marketing solution field that opens doors for creators and generates more promising opportunities for Saudi youth.

ناصر العودة، مدير شركة صانعي الخيال، يدير فريقاً مبدعاً في مجال التسويق الإلكتروني في السعودية، حيث يتبنى رؤية استراتيجية لتحقيق النجاح وتقديم حلول متميزة للعملاء

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